This is a simple but very powerful method of manifesting.
Begin by envisioning what it is you’re manifesting.
Allow your mind to add all the details:
How does it look, feel, smell etc.?
*Power up your manifestation by surrounding yourself with the smells, feelings and ambience of your manifestation.
Give yourself space to feel the emotion!
Are you excited, accomplished, proud etc.?
Sit with your visualisation for as long or little as you like!
(Remember it takes 17 seconds to begin the manifesting process)
This method can be used with many other methods for example sex magic & scripting.
Great times to use this method:
• Within the first 30 mins of your day
• Last thing before going to sleep
• When you need an instant vibration raise
• On a new Moon & waxing gibbous
• When you’re struggling to hone into what you really want
• If you tend to struggle with meditation
• If you are trying to overcome a lack mindset