What is a retrograde?
When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in its orbit (from the perspective of Earth.) This happens because of the differences in orbital speed between the Earth and the other planet. It is important to note that the planet is not actually moving backward, but rather it is an optical illusion caused by the relative motion of the Earth and the planet.
What does Uranus represent?
Uranus is the planet that governs liberation & innovation.
How often does it happen?
Uranus Retrograde happens once a year.
How long does it last?
Uranus goes Retrograde for around 5 months each year.
How does it effect people?
One of the most common ways that Uranus Retrograde can affect people is that do this time they may feel very trapped or limited. Either at work, in their interpersonal relationships, in their self expression or sometimes even physically. It can cause an urge to desire a higher level of freedom! Feelings of discontent and wanting “more” out of life is common.
During Uranus retrograde it’s likely that many people will seek freedom in various different ways depending on how they felt trapped.
Some may find during this time that they experience mental blockages. Particularly the more creative types, it may be more difficult than usual to come up with new ideas or communicate the ideas and concepts that are created while Uranus is Rx. This can cause frustration and self doubt, particularly if this affects your work or livelihood. Problem solving may be harder than usual too causing troubling or difficult situations to last longer than they normally would.
What to avoid?
Avoid relying on logic to help you navigate situations. If you struggle to form ideas how you typically would allow yourself to be guided by your instincts. If for whatever reason nothing comes to you it might be a good sign to take no action at all. Don’t feel pressured to constantly be doing “more”. Give your mind, body and spirit a chance to relax and embrace where you currently are in your journey.
Avoid feeling like you’re not doing enough, like life isn’t enough of that you don’t have enough. Remember that you have everything you need within you and feelings of restlessness are normal at this time. Try not to overburden yourself with responsibilities, particularly if the subconscious motivation is to prove to yourself or others how good or advanced you are. This energy can cause a lack of gratitude for what you currently have or have already achieved so be mindful of how your thoughts are reflecting your desires.
Avoid “pulling back”. You may feel inclined to decline invitations to enjoy yourself or have an aversion get involved in uplifting activities. Sometimes this can stems from feeling unworthy of fun due to “how much you want out of life”, the thing is, letting your hair down from time to time is an important part of progress because it fills your cup and raises your vibration, giving you the energy necessary to take the steps to accomplish your goals without feeling stressed and burned out.
What should you do?
During Uranus Rx, the best thing you can do is let go!! Let go of expectations, let go of rigidity, let go of pressure and let go of your burdens. If you’ve been on a journey of trusting spirit, this is a time to exercise what you’ve been learning and just allow things to flow! I’m not saying don’t plan anything or throw your goals in the trash but what I’m saying is unnecessary pressure on yourself at this time is counterproductive. So take life in its stride and give yourself the space to be present, and truly experience it, moment, by moment.
Give Yourself Grace
Find Joy
Show Gratitude Daily
Trust Your Intuition
Check in For Alignment
What will provide support?
Clear Quartz - Energy Flow
Amazonite - Soothes Nervous System
Sodalite - Self Expression
Herkimer Diamond- Clarity
Labradorite - Brain Function
Star Anise - Spiritual Guidance
Ginkgo - Brain Function
Valerian - Calms Nervous System
Cinnamon - Good Fortune
Skullcap - Reduces Stress
Happy Baby - Uplifting
Garland Pose - Let Go
Puppy Pose - Mental Grounding
Child’s Pose - Calming
Eagle - Brain Activation
Everything I need is already within me.
I allow my self to wait for true inspiration to guide me.
I have nothing to prove. I’m exactly where I need to be.
My mind is vast and expansive.
I enjoy having fun and deserve to incorporate things I enjoy into my life.
Shadow prompts:
What area of my life do I feel like I’m not good enough in?
How do I feel trapped, stagnated or limited?
What would it take for me to feel successful?
Does enjoyment make me feel guilt and if so why?
What makes me hold back from being engaged in certain things that I know aren’t harmful?
What is the lesson?
How Retrogrades affect you depends on how you are currently navigating your life, Issues during Rx are just highlights of the areas we need to address. Some people may experience more positive experiences during Rx due to the fact that the planet was Rx at their time of birth, whilst other may have a more intense time. Some people will have no untoward experiences at all, sometimes because they are unaware of the effects, or because they are in alignment and there is nothing for them to learn at this time. The important thing is, not to go looking for problems, being aware of how the energy can show up can allow you to prepare for it and ground yourself through it. Use this survival guide as an empowerment tool rather that a reason to worry. Overall, trust yourself and the universe enough to surrender, relinquish control!