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Writer's pictureSamara Align

Trusting Your Intuition

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Trusting your intuition is not difficult. It's trusting yourself that is where the real challenge lies...

If you've ever found yourself saying "I should have followed my gut" or "I need to start listening to my instincts", then you have had proof that your intuition is trustworthy, however, your ego will often step in and take over.

Ego is a psychological concept that refers to a person's sense of self-esteem and self-importance. It can play both positive and negative roles in an individual's life, shaping their behaviors, decisions, and interactions with others. While a healthy ego can promote self-confidence and motivation, an excessive or fragile ego can lead to arrogance, defensiveness, and emotional instability which can negatively impact the ability to properly discern your intuitive voice.

Your ego is your masculine energy and deals with logical reasoning, and is attached to learned behaviours and the things we can "make sense of" or prove tangibly.

When we have an intuitive thought, oftentimes our logic will quickly intercept it with something more logical, more easy to comprehend and/or explain.

One of the reasons for this is that the intuitive voice is damaged is through trauma and abuse. If you have suppressed your intuitive voice, over time you will seize to hear it at all. Your intuitive voice can be surpressed by an abusive person gaslighting your emotions or inner knowing, causing you to doubt yourself. Or it can be surpressed by you, continually gaslighting your own intuition by being over rationalising or logical.

This is the cause of wounded masculine energy, when the inner divine masculine lacks trust in the divine feminine's judgement, it will "step in" to take charge of the situation... ultimately blocking your intuitive voice.

It's important to note that we must have a balance of both healthy masculine and feminine energy so that we don't become ungrounded or rigid.

Learning to trust yourself is not easy and takes a lot of relearning and healing. Then it needs for you to be grounded and honest with yourself.

Watch the webinar on developing your intuition for more information on how to become one with your intuitive voice.

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