As above so Below
The Yoni – Throat Connection
Do you get more turned on when your partner is vocal during sex?
FUN FACT: The vagus nerve connects the cervix to the throat.
Not only does the word Cervix derive from the Latin word neck
They also look very similar in shape & structure AND are made from the same tissue.
They are the only energy output centres within the body and are deeply connected.
The sacral brings physical expression whilst the throat brings vocal expression and if one experiences trauma the other one will literally contract in response. This is why it’s so important for sexual abuse survivors to speak their truth in order to fully heal.
Both bring creation. We birth our ideas with our voice and children with our wombs and they work incredibly in tandem with each other. Think about sex magick & how you are advised to vocalise your intentions at the point of climax.
During childbirth we can see how the two are linked when we are advised to drop our jaw to help relax the cervix and many women also instinctively release sounds to help them through the pushing phase – when one opens, so does the other.
And if we get into the individual functions of each of the chakras, the Sacral Chakra works with self acceptance, overcoming shame and being sensual. So we pull that energy up and release it through our throat chakra which works with self expression, speaking our truth and overcoming shyness. Often times people work on their throat chakra and are bemused why they still struggle with speaking up and it’s usually because they haven’t learned to accept themselves or have pride in their own autonomy FIRST. This is why it’s important to work from the root up.
Congress of a crow position from the Kamasutra, commonly known as the 69 position is depicted by a man & woman performing the sexual act whereby they pleasure each other by connecting at the mouths (throat) and genitals (sacral) this position has been showcased in ancient cultural art and coined the name 69 since 1780 during the French Revolution.
So let’s look into the number 69 (two of the 3 “magical numbers”). 69 is the number of balance/harmony, compassion and idealism. Makes sense right?