To ensure your continued spiritual growth, take the following steps:
1. Set an intention
2. Dedicate
3. Journal
4. Find your purpose
5. Get aligned
Setting an intention for your spiritual journey can help prevent you from feeling like your drifting mindlessly through. Are you focusing on healing? Balancing your chakras? Aligning with your purpose? Gaining a deeper understanding of self? You can switch up your intention as often as you like but having one helps keep you focused and grounded. I typically have an overall focus for the year, then I set a new intention each month.
Dedicate time to your growth. Treat it like a priority but be realistic. Ideally, dedicate a little time daily but if that doesn’t work for you, trying to stick to that structure will only give you added pressure and makes you feel guilty. This leads to blockages and makes your spiritual growth feel more unattainable, so be honest with yourself. Can you do daily? Or is weekly a better fit for you? Perhaps your current lifestyle only allows you to dedicate one day per month? That’s fine, so long as you dedicate that time and make it worth your while.
Journalling is like a super tool for so many reasons! It can help you to plan out your intentions and goals. Writing them down brings them from the mental, into the physical, thus making it more tangible and easier to ascertain. It also helps you to reflect on your growth and see how you’ve healed and integrated different aspects of yourself & which areas need more work. And if you’re anything like me, writing things down helps you to remember them! So making notes on things that you’re learning can help you to embed them in your mind.
Find out what your purpose is if you don’t already know. Because once you understand your souls purpose/mission on this earth, you’ll have a clear idea of exactly where you’re supposed to be heading. A soul plan reading will give you the blueprint of what shadows you need to heal, what talents to embrace and how to create abundance from your very essence. Referring back to it often is valuable in helping you stay aligned with your spiritual growth journey.
Getting aligned is about showing up authentically as the person you are growing into. If you are growing from people pleasing, you have to enforce whatever boundaries necessary to keep your peace. If you’re growing from a lack of self love, you’re going to have to start treating yourself with more compassion, if you’re growing from self sabotage, you’re going to have to start letting people in. It’s too easy to say “I’m just gonna… or I’m the kinda person who…” but do your actions really align with who you say you are? If you look at the recurring themes of your life you can see where you’re not who you say are just yet.