Every one has intuitive abilities, some are more untapped than others, and some people are completely unaware that they even have any!
There are many different ways a person can receive an intuitive message. This is dependant on your spiritual gifts. You may already know, or have an idea of what your gifts are but if you don’t, finding out is helpful in developing your intuition. That way you know what to look, listen or feel out for!
Clairempathy is the term for the common empath that most people refer to. This is the ability to feel other peoples emotions. If you're an empath you may experience being very in tune with what other people are feeling, people being drawn to you, or people trusting you with sensitive information even if they don't know you very well.
Clairvoyance is the gift of seeing. Clairvoyants usually see messages, spirits, visions, premonitions or dreams.
Clairsentience is the gift of feeling. It's commonly known as a Clairsentients may feel the physical pain of others. Or they may get physical sensations to alert them of different things.
Claircognizant is the gift of knowing. Have you ever just “knew” something without having any logical foresight? The key trait of a flair cognizamt person is when someone says "who did you know?" and you reply with "I don't know, I just did!"
Clairsalient is the gift of smelling. You may smell certain smells when they aren’t actually there. You may experience the smell of burning, or a foul smell when there is negative energy present, or smell cigarette smoke (when you don't smoke) or cleaning products an ancestor used to use to alert you of spiritual presence.
Clairaudience is the gift of hearing. You will hear the voices of your higherself, your ancestors or other spirits. You may hear your name being called, or hear songs replaying in your mind that have a timely message for you.
Clairgustance is the gift of tasting. You may taste things you havent eaten or get a feel for foods you don’t even like (on behalf of others).
A Geomantic Empath is someone who can feel and communicate with nature, you may feel when weather changes are approaching or may recieve messages from trees or animals.
Clairtagency is the gift of physical touch. You may be able to tap into or heal someone elses energy by touching them – or may feel particularly drained after being touched.