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Writer's pictureSamara Align

Saturn Rx Survival Guide

What is a retrograde?

When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in its orbit (from the perspective of Earth.) This happens because of the differences in orbital speed between the Earth and the other planet. It is important to note that the planet is not actually moving backward, but rather it is an optical illusion caused by the relative motion of the Earth and the planet.

What does Saturn represent?

Saturn is the planet that governs stability, karma and mastery.

How often does it happen?

Saturn Retrograde happens approximately once a year.

How long does it last?

Saturn goes Retrograde for around four & a half months out of the year.

How does it effect people?

One of the ways Saturn Retrograde tends to affect people is that is can cause them to feel unstable or due to unexpected events end up in an unstable position, this causes many people to feel pressured into doing things to assure their security without thoroughly thinking through whether or not their choices align with their goals.

Karma is busy at work during Saturn Retrograde. Providing you have been operating from an authentic and loving place, you’ll have nothing to worry about, though you may get front row seats while those who have wronged you get served their just desserts! However, if you have not been in alignment with the love inside of you - there’s not much you can do to avoid how karma visits you. Just know, that if things start going wrong for you, rather than feeling hard done by, you can use the lessons to fuel you into showing up differently going forward.

Some people also find that during Saturn Rx, they find it particularly more difficult to work on something that promises long term results - either due to a lack of motivation, self belief, or physical blockages that prevent you from getting things done. If you feel that your long term goals seem to be appearing as they’re getting further away for whatever reason during this time, take some time to regroup, analyse the route cause of the blockage and focus on overcoming it so you can get back on track.

What to avoid?

Avoid rushing during Saturn Rx, if things slow down. Learn to get comfortable with the flow. Use that time to refill your energy or plan. Fear of a lack of progress is a common reason why people end up rushing but you’ll produce the best results if you take your time. Have confidence that what is built to last takes time.

Low vibrational thoughts, actions & people. Especially if you’re an empath with a low level of self awareness or protection. It’s very possible to inherit other peoples low vibrational energy and/or karma if you aren’t careful. Be mindful of who you spend your time with and how you use your own time. Avoid pettiness and unwarranted revenge.

 Self Doubt and Fear should be shut down like they came to the fancy night club in buss down running shoes! SHUT IT DOWN! There's no room at the Inn!! They will be your biggest downfall if you give them access, they want you to trust them over your intuition. Have confidence and believe in yourself.

Avoid running from your feelings. While it’s important not to get stuck in them, your shadow self may rear its head for acknowledgement. Sit with the emotions that come up for you and do shadow work to help you understand why they’re coming up and what they can teach you.

Avoid getting distracted. If you have a goal in mind, understand that the universe might send you missiles of distraction. Don’t be tempted to put down the ball on your goals. If you can juggle, great! But if you notice that what was once important to you is starting to matter less after a new influence, check where that energy is going to lead you before you get too caught up.

What should you do?

During Saturn Rx, it’s a good time to set boundaries and stick to them. Make sure that you’re assessing your challenges so you can overcome them swiftly and avoid letting them overwhelm you. If you feel yourself drifting away from your goals, realign, and get back on track.

  • Get grounded

  • Revise plans

  • Set new boundaries

  • Analyse your foundations

  • Shadow work

  • Get aligned

  • Work on your Karma

  • Raise your vibration

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing

What will provide support?


Black Obsidian - Grounding

Onyx - Stability

Rhodochrosite - Comfort

Kyanite - Clears Blockages

Citrine - Uplifts Mood


Dandelion- Alleviates Rx Symptoms

Myrrh - Stability

Sage - Cleansing

Solomons Seal - Protection

Comfrey - Boundaries


Warrior III - Stability

Crow - Mastery

Four Limbed Staff - Discipline

Corpse - Resting

Tree pose - Grounding


My boundaries enable me to love myself and others simultaneously.

My challenges provide clues on how to improve.

I release what no longer serves me with faith and trust.

I am aligned with my goals in all that I do.

I don’t give up. I’m a winner.

Shadow prompts:

What am I holding onto out of habit, familiarity or fear of abandonment?

What are my goals and how do my actions reflect them?

Where could I put more effort or intention in?

What really needs to be removed from my life?

How am I being taken advantage of?

What is the lesson?

How Retrogrades affect you depends on how you are currently navigating your life, Issues during Rx are just highlights of the areas we need to address. Some people may experience more positive experiences during Rx due to the fact that the planet was Rx at their time of birth, whilst other may have a more intense time. Some people will have no untoward experiences at all, sometimes because they are unaware of the effects, or because they are in alignment and there is nothing for them to learn at this time. The important thing is, not to go looking for problems, being aware of how the energy can show up can allow you to prepare for it and ground yourself through it. Use this survival guide as an empowerment tool rather that a reason to worry. Overall, trust yourself and the universe enough to surrender, relinquish control!

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