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Writer's pictureSamara Align

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

What is a retrograde?

When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in its orbit (from the perspective of Earth.) This happens because of the differences in orbital speed between the Earth and the other planet. It is important to note that the planet is not actually moving backward, but rather it is an optical illusion caused by the relative motion of the Earth and the planet.

What does Mercury represent?

Mercury is the planet that governs communication, travel and technology. It is also the planetary ruler of Wednesday.

How often does it happen?

Mercury Retrograde happens three times a year. Out of all the planets in the solar system, Mercury stations Rx more frequently than the others due to the speed of its orbit.

How long does it last?

Officially, Mercury Retrograde lasts three weeks, however, you may feel it's effects for up to two weeks before and after the Rx during its pre & post shadow period.

During the shadow period it doesn't have as strong of an effect but the symptoms are still likely.

How does it effect people?

One of the most notorious things Mercury Rx is known for is bringing the past to the surface. This could look like exes spinning the block and popping back up, old friends that's you disconnected from reaching back out, or ancient shadows you were sure you had healed from, rearing it's ugly head when you least expect it.

Communication is another thing that you may struggle with during this period: perhaps you're finding it difficult to explain yourself, or maybe misunderstandings are causing for you to engage in arguments or heated discussions. Maybe you're stumbling over your words or you have difficulty connecting with the person you need/want to talk to.

Technology issues are another very common symptom of our beloved mercury retrograde. People often have issues with saving their work, or their phone/laptop mysteriously malfunctions, maybe they loose their tablet or have issues completing tasks that require technology.

If every 3-4 months you notice you have issues with you car, trips get cancelled, maybe you experience an uncomfortable or unsafe time during travelling. You could get the directions wrong or get lost or diverted from your original destination.

And physically, there can me a number of effects that Mercury retrograde can cause due to the body gates that Mercury governs. Nerves can be affected during Rx so if you have nerve damage or a condition that effects them, this season could exacerbate your symptoms. Mercury also governs the chest, so be mindful about your breathing and monitor your overall health. Particularly paying attention to the skin, navel, nose gallbladder, lungs, arms, tongue, face & hair.

What to avoid?

I will always say, knowledge is power! Once you are aware of what to expect you don't need to live in fear and restrict yourself unnecessarily. This guide serves as a tool to empower you to get through mercury retrograde with ease and grounding, so I don't want you to focus on all the things you "shouldn't do". Put more value in what you SHOULD do, this section of the blog is good to know but putting too much intention into it will lower you into the vibration of fear and lack.

As travel is one of the things that can cause issues during this season, many people will say it's best practice to avoid travelling unnecessarily but my guidance is to travel if you feel called to, just don't be reckless.. double check you have your route planned, make sure you wear a seatbelt, give yourself extra time to get where you're going.

Its not ideal to start something new during retrograde because the energy is quite chaotic and temperamental. Starting something brand new during this period can bring an unstable or temporary energy, the best practice would be to wait until after the shadow period. But again, don't live in fear, you are confident and what you want to start may be time sensitive, trust in your own power to create a stable force.

If you get an impulsive urge to break up with your partner, move house or leave your job, rethink it. Wait until after the post shadow and reassess how you feel. For the same reason as not starting anything new, making any long term life decisions is also something to avoid during this time (Unless it wasn't impulsive and you've been wanting to do it from before the Rx, then now is a perfect time).

Avoid miscommunication and arguments, be direct and clear in your words and ensure that your words are aligning with your actions. Miscommunication during this time can be blown out of proportion so do your best to remain grounded so that you can say exactly what you mean and to avoid getting triggered too easily by something you may have misunderstood. If you do engage in an argument during this time, (cause let's face it, we don't plan to argue) do your best to stick to your point and steer away from saying hurtful or unnecessary things).

What should you do?

  • Rest as much as you can.

  • Reflect on your life, and particularly anything from the past thats resurfacing.

  • Tie up loose ends, complete anything you have outstanding from before the Rx.

  • Meditate to connect with self.

  • Journal to that you can analyse how this energy affects you.

  • Double check everything!!

  • Be gentle with yourself and others.

  • Engage in shadow work to explore the parts of you that you repress or neglect.

What will provide support?


Black Tourmaline - Grounding

Clear Quartz - Clarity

Blue Lace Agate - Communication

Sodalite - Order

Shungite - EMF Protection


Lavendar - Calm

Fennel - Nervous system

Orange - Uplifting

Peppermint - Focus

Blue Lotus - Relaxing


Child's pose - Comfort

Goddess pose - Strength

Standing forward bend - Relaxation

Eagle pose - Focus

Mountain pose - Grounding


Everything unfolding is for my highest good.

I seek clarity in the unknown.

I am rooted in grounded energy.

I am mindful & present in the moment.

I am open to the lessons Mercury Retrograde provides me with.

Shadow prompts:

What am I still holding onto from the past?

What am I struggling to communicate & why?

What is my ideal destination in life?

What have I been avoiding completing?

What area of my life do I need to pay more attention to right now?

What is the lesson?

The lesson of Mercury retrograde is really to reassess and reevaluate where you are in life and if your actions heading in the same direction as your goals. This is a time that can indeed be very difficult for some, but Tx only pose as a problem where there is work to be done. So pay attention to where your life gets difficult during Rx. Are you neglecting your health? Working too hard? Allowing the past to have too much access? If you're not sure, get to journaling this season and analyse what spirit is trying to tell you.

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