Water holds memory
It's true that water has the remarkable ability to hold and store memory. Studies have shown that water molecules can retain information, so when exposed to words, images, music, and other frequencies, water can contain and even amplify that information. It's amazing to think that such a simple molecule can hold such powerful memories!
7 ways to manifest with water
Visualize using water to manifest. Imagine a pool of crystal clear water that represents your desires and intentions. Focus on this pool and visualize it becoming bigger and bigger as you manifest your dreams. You can also envision it pouring like a waterfall and visualise yourself walking under it.
Say affirmations while you are in the shower. Remind yourself that you are capable of achieving all that you desire and that the power of manifestation is within you.
Take a spiritual bath with herbs, crystals, and essential oils. This is a powerful way to connect with your intentions and activate the power of water to help in manifesting.
Write your intentions on a piece of paper and place it in a glass of water. Leave it overnight and then sprinkle the water around your home or property to activate the energy of your desires.
Meditate near a body of water. Listen to the sound of the ocean, lake, or river and allow yourself to be completely present in the moment. This will help to open your mind to new possibilities and allow the power of manifestation to enter your life.
Begin with 2 cups, one full of water, one empty. On the full cup, write a note with your current reality. On the empty cup, write a note with your desired reality. Pour from the full cup into the empty cup, while speaking your desires over the water as it fills up the cup.
Use intention filled moon water to cook, feels your plants, wash your floors, wash your hair, or as part of a ritual or spell.