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Writer's pictureSamara Align

Manifesting during mercury retrograde: My advice

I personally feel there is a lot of scaremongering populated amongst spiritual communities about Mercury Retrograde. Yes, the energy is a little funky, but at the end of the day, if you were going to put your life on hold because a planet is Rx, then your entire life will end up stagnant! There is literally always planet retrograde, which will affect different things, but we mustn't allow that to make us live in fear of living!

When Mercury is Rx, it can affect communication, contracts, travel and technology. We are advised not to travel if it is not absolutely necessary, avoid difficult conversations and refrain from speaking to people from your past, EXPECT problems with technology and cars (meaning that we are using LOA to have to pay out for problems and not sign any contracts or make any important decisions.

Can you see how problematic this can get? and its not just for the three weeks that mercury is ACTUALLY Rx but also the two week shadow period either side of it too!

So for 7 weeks, 3 times a year, DON'T DO SHIT OT MERCURY WILL HAVE YA ASS!

Okay, let me not ridicule the notion, because I understand it, agree with it to an extent and have had first hand experience of Mercury having my ass..

This is my personal rule that I stick by, looking at the things that we are SUPPOSED to do during Mercury Rx: planning, checking over, and tying up loose ends.. If your manifestation is a continuation of something you had started or wanted BEFORE the shadow period, GO FOR IT! that way, when the energy is going back in its usual direction, your manifestation won't be undone.

If this is something completely new, say you've had an idea during the Rx or shadow period, wait until the next New moon after the Post-Shadow period ends.

If you have any doubts about manifesting (due to Rx or ANY other reason) DON'T DO IT! Fear is a low vibration that can affect your manifestations, work through those negative thoughts first then try again.

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