1. Find out the time the moon will rise on a NEW MOON and try to prepare your water just before.
2. Begin by smudging the inside of a lidded glass jar.
3. Fill your jar with spring/distilled water whilst visualising or speaking your intentions over it.
* OPTIONAL: You can add corresponding crystals/herbs.
** Make sure you research if the crystals you want to use are water safe. I have included a photo below but there are more so do check.
4. Place the lid on and put the jar outside.
*** If you don’t have an outside space, your window ledge works just as well.
5. Bring the water in after a few hours and keep in a dark place for at least 3 days. (Once the moon energy has shifted)
6. Make sure you bring it in before sunrise.
* You can use the same method for making moon water for all of the moon phases depending what energy you wanted.