Halloween/All hallows Eve is celebrated on 31st of October each year. This is when the veil between the living & the dead is the thinnest - when the earthly and the spiritual almost meet. It’s roots originated with the Pagan festival Samhain (pronounced Sa-Ween). Samhain festivities are about celebrating the death & rebirth cycle. At this time, in the Northern Hemisphere we see that plants are dying as we head into the winter months while in the Southern Hemisphere, flowers are budding as spring is in full effect.
During Samhain, people would go door to door reciting verses or songs and were given food in exchange. They would dress up in costumes to protect themselves from evil or trickster spirits. This is where the tradition of trick or treating came from. Residents would carve faces into turnips and place them on their porch or doorsteps to ward off evil spirits from entering their homes, this later developed into the commonly know jack-o-lantern.
The Samhain Celebration would last well into the night of November 1st where it is reported that spiritual or paranormal activity was at its peak. 1/11 or 11/1 (depending on where in the world you are) carry the vibration of the angel number 111. Amongst other things, this number reminds us to go within and trust in not only our own intuition but our angelic guidance, it also signifies spiritual ascension. Many people have reported some kind of “levelling up” the day after Halloween.
- Commemorating your ancestors.
- A ritual to release all the “dead” things from your life. (People, thought patterns, situations)
- A protection ritual.
- A cleansing bath/meditation.
- A manifestation ritual of how you want to transform.
- Light a white candle for anyone you have lost this year.
If you would like like to learn how to connect with your ancestors, the workshop will be half price for a limited time.
Very informative