The thing is, when children are young and want attention it may feel “annoying”, it may make things take longer, it may trigger you because you realise in fact that you don’t have all the answers..
You might think it’s not important right now, “they’re still young, their attention seeking (connection building) isn’t so significant, they aren’t asking anything of substance” but what’s really happening is that they are learning what communication is.
If they aren’t getting it from you, their parent, they will seek attention (connection) elsewhere and we live in a society with very few “villages” so many vulnerable, connection seeking children are preyed upon and in turn they are hurt, repeatedly in a bid to feel true connection.
This child no longer looks to you for a connection, and they don’t feel safe enough to come to you to help them when they get hurt. They have to learn to fend for themselves and learn how read the intentions of others..
But now you feel like they are ready, old enough, sensible enough, coherent enough for your attention. They don’t need it anymore. In fact the very offer builds a resentment within them because they can feel that this is on your terms.
I’m not saying you can’t have a mental break, I know most children wouldn’t stop talking given the chance, but it’s something that needs to be considered if you’re serious about breaking these generational curses. It’s worse now that most of us are constantly within arms reach of a screen with an entire world to get lost into.
