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Writer's pictureSamara Align

The Woman Who Didn’t Desire a Man

I’ve said it before and this probably won’t be the last time.

A woman who doesn’t desire a man, has never met one.

I used to be that girl. Man? Which part??! I thought men brought nothing but pain and disappointment (MENopause, MENstruation, MENtal health issues)🤣

But I realised I only felt this way because deep down I desired TO BE A MAN!

No, not literally, this isn’t that type of storytime😅 but I wanted to be the proverbial man who I felt like had repeatedly let me down. I wanted to empower myself to get over my own disappointment by embodying the energy I thought I was missing..

But the thing is at that time, I hadn’t a clue what being a man was about, only the distorted fragments from my own void, deep down, I still had resentment for men and me wanting to have my own back was really just my own attempt to stick two middle fingers up and say “I did it better that you”.

Yes. It was a harsh reality when that sunk in. I was leading with wounded masculine energy because I was too afraid for a man to prove to me why I didn’t want to trust them.

This has been something I’ve been working on for some time and my divine feminine is finally comfortable to work WITH my divine masculine energy in (almost) perfect harmony. I understand that I was afraid of men because the absence of HEALTHY MASCULINE energy gave me faulty foundations on what I understood and accepted to be manly traits.

Now that I know that I don’t need to be the man to protect myself from him I can revel in my divine feminine energy and welcome my divine masculine into my heart because only now, do I truly value his worth.

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