What is a retrograde?
When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in its orbit (from the perspective of Earth.) This happens because of the differences in orbital speed between the Earth and the other planet. It is important to note that the planet is not actually moving backward, but rather it is an optical illusion caused by the relative motion of the Earth and the planet.
What does Chiron represent?
Chiron is in fact an asteroid rather than a planet. It governs emotional and spiritual wounds and is known in the astrological world as “The Wounded Healer”. In your birth chart it shows where you will experience your deepest wounds so that you can transform pain and suffering into healing and growth.
How often does it happen?
Chiron Retrograde happens once a year.
How long does it last?
Chiron goes Retrograde for 5 - 6 months at a time.
How does it effect people?
The main way Chiron affects people during its retrograde is by bringing deep rooted wounds to the surface. Things that you may have felt like you already healed, or things you had no idea you needed to heal may heavily impact you. Oftentimes this elicits a dark night of the soul for many. It could also cause you to experience imposter syndrome as old wounds resurface.
Some may find during this time that they experience existential crisis as spiritual wounds feel almost unbearable. There are many different ways spiritual wounds may affect a person from feeling lost on their journey, to losing their sense of self, or self worth, to feeling disconnected from their purpose, causing feelings of hopelessness, apathy and depression.
Unfortunately some people, particularly those who are active in their healing journey and typically don’t shy away from shadow work may find themselves over identifying with their shadows and forming soul ties with their shadow selves. As they acknowledge the traumas that have led to their shadows, they unconsciously create bonds with these versions of themselves, leaving them feeling, or saying things like “that’s why I am the way that I am” as though it’s the end of the road for them. Forgetting that they now must take accountability to transmute and transform their story into one that takes them away from said traumas. While it’s important to acknowledge what you’ve been through and validate the fact that those experiences weren’t your fault and you didn’t deserve them, it’s even more imperative to create positive change.
What to avoid?
Avoid toxic positivity. Allow yourself to feel the broad spectrum of your emotions without judgement. Low vibrations do not make you any less of a person, or any more “unhealed” than the next. In fact, how you give space to your emotions and transmute them is where real power and healing lies. A person who is always happy, is not authentic and is robbing themselves of the genuine human experience (usually due to an inability to accept themselves wholeheartedly). Of course try not to get stuck there, but avoiding them altogether is counterproductive to being able to overcome them.
Avoid getting stuck in outdated mindsets and belief systems that counteract your healing and progression. Identify the difference between what you were told (or told yourself) to facilitate your survival. You are no longer merely surviving and you cannot thrive with a survival mentality. It’s okay, and in fact empowering to change your thoughts and opinions that don’t serve your highest good. Don’t make excuses for those that hurt you, and don’t make excuses for your own self sacrifice and low vibrational habits. Rewrite your story.
Avoid any feelings of guilt that may stem from enjoying yourself. Although this time period is about healing and transmuting wounds, it doesn’t have to be the only thing you engage in. Don’t go out of your way seeking your wounds and need for healing but address the natural and authentic situations that arise. You deserve to make the most of your positive emotions and experiences, regardless of how much trauma you may of may not have. Everyday doesn’t have to be doom and gloom until you are “healed”. Remember healing is a never ending journey, so take the time to smell the roses when life presents them to you, because healing is heavy work. And no one can carry the weight of that burden every day.
What should you do?
During Chiron Rx, the best thing you can do is give space to your need for healing. Identify what your core wounds are, by looking at your birth chart or having a soul plan reading done and facilitating the necessary work to turn your victimhood into your victory. The entire purpose of Chiron is for us to transmute our pain so that we can help others to overcome their own. For some, particularly those who have been doing the deep work on their wounds this will be a great time to dive into your purpose and realise yourself as a healer. How does your test become your testimony?
Shadow Work
Acknowledge Your Emotions
Find Your Purpose
Take Spiritual Baths
Consider Coaching/Counselling/Therapy
Heal Your Heart Chakra
Get a Soul Plan/Natal Chart Reading
What will provide support?
Garnet - Self Belief
Ruby - Emotional Healing
Pink Tourmaline - Strength
Rose Quartz - Compassion
Tigers Eye - Will Power
Lemon Balm - Healing
Jasmine - Stress Relief
Mugwort - Purification
Lavender - Peace
Frankincense - Raise Vibration
Child’s Pose - Calming
Reverse Low Lunge - Release Emotions
Happy Baby - Uplifting
Garland Pose - Let Go
Warrior 1 - Empowerment
My past pain does not define me.
I transmute low vibrations into higher frequencies of love.
My shadows guide me to a path of fulfilment.
I am a source of light for others.
I heal myself and inspire those around me to heal too.
Shadow prompts:
What is my biggest shadow/wound/challenge?
What makes it difficult to accept this about myself?
What is the lesson behind my pain?
Am I over identifying with my traumas?
How is my mindset aligned with survival, and how differently does thriving me think?
What is the lesson?
How Retrogrades affect you depends on how you are currently navigating your life, Issues during Rx are just highlights of the areas we need to address. Some people may experience more positive experiences during Rx due to the fact that the planet was Rx at their time of birth, whilst other may have a more intense time. Some people will have no untoward experiences at all, sometimes because they are unaware of the effects, or because they are in alignment and there is nothing for them to learn at this time. The important thing is, not to go looking for problems, being aware of how the energy can show up can allow you to prepare for it and ground yourself through it. Use this survival guide as an empowerment tool rather that a reason to worry. Overall, trust yourself and the universe enough to surrender, relinquish control!