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I am Mara, an empath, intuitive reader, healer, soul plan practitioner, author and spiritual life coach. I created So Aligned to support others to embrace this journey and become aligned with their souls purpose.
My logo contains the Unalome symbol. Unalome is a Buddhist symbol depicting the journey to enlightenment. It reminds us that the path is not always perfect, or straightforward and we have to face many twists and turns (trials & lessons) along the way. It also contains the Ensō symbol (Zen circle/Circle of enlightenment/Circle of togetherness) this symbol depicts elegance, emptiness, enlightenment and the beauty of imperfection. Wherever you are in your journey, this is to remind you that you are whole as you are. 


I have always been gifted, I can recall spiritual phenomenons from as young as five years old when I manifested my spirit animal. I would always have prophetic dreams as a child and was extremely empathic, to the point of feeling the physical pain of television characters so strongly that it would almost bring me to tears. 

I experienced many unexplainable things growing up but kind of just accepted that I was different. I wasn’t aware of my gifts then. It wasn’t until just before my spiritual awakening, I felt called to do some deep self discovery, This was when I realised that I was in fact an empath. Over the last seven years I have discovered and developed my gifts and am now able to share them with others to guide and support them through their own journeys. 


Being able to feel the energy or emotions of others, enables me to have a deep understanding of a variety of different situations without judgement. I am able to pick up on underlying or unspoken thoughts with compassion and grace. This helps me ensure that all of my clients are comfortable and feel safe and heard during sessions with me. 


Claircognizance, along with clairempathy are my oldest and strongest gifts. Claircognizance is the gift of knowing. Being able to receive downloads about things often allows me to gain more information and gives me additional insights. A mixture of gut feeling, and simply just knowing what to say or ask to give clarity or prompt some soul searching when I’m coaching clients.  


My ability to see intuitive messages has certainly developed over the years. I started out receiving messages in dreams but these days it doesn’t happen so often. Instead I’m able to see images, or scenarios play out in my minds eye. This is extremely useful during soul plan sessions or lost item retrieval. 


Being Clairaudient means that I can hear not only my spirit guides, but also sometimes I receive messages directly from my clients spirit team or ancestors. I tend to use this during tarot readings, as oftentimes someone will pop up to speak through me to the client about something they are seeking clarity about. It’s a lovely personal touch that can add an extra special vibe to a reading. I don’t call on them though, if they reach out I will relay the message. 


I also am Clairsalient which means that I have the gift of smell. This comes in useful in different situations and services but mainly when doing lost item retrievals as I sometimes am able to pick up on a location due to its smell. 

I use a mixture of these gifts, to draw meaning from clients’ tarot readings, help them find missing things and coach them on their journey to help them get where they want to get to. 


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Soul Plan Reading 

I can help you discover your purpose, understand your spiritual gifts, and teach you how to cultivate them. 


4 Month Program 

If you need support with connecting with and mastering the self, the Aligned to Self Mastery program consists of four main focuses; Self Discovery, Self Acceptance, Self Love and finally Self Mastery. 


Discovery Call

Find out how I can help you along your journey, whether it’s healing from narcissistic abuse, to needing coaching to help you launch your business.


Join our Facebook Community 

Get lots more information, and live readings over in our group “Spiritual & Aligned”. 


If you have any questions about the products or services I offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I endeavour to reply to all enquiries within 3 working days. 

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